Simba Text assistant

This web-based tool and browser extension produces summaries of German-language texts. It is designed to improve your reading experience or support you on your language learning journey.

Download Firefox Add-on

Download Simba as a browser add-on for Firefox and start summarising webpages as you browse.
Install Firefox Add-on

Download Chrome extension

Download Simba as a browser extension from the Chrome web store and start summarising webpagesx.
Install Chrome Extension

Simba browser extension

Get summaries of German-language text on web pages as you browse

The Simba Text Assistant is a browser extension that produces summaries of German-language text on web pages. It is designed to additionally simplify the summaries, by shortening the sentences and providing explanations for words.

    We trained and evaluated the model that provides these simplifications with news articles; that is why it works better for these types of web content. The browser extension also offers the opportunity to submit your feedback on the summary that Simba produces.

What to use it for

The Simba Browser Extension can be used on a variety of webpages in both Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Learning German

Improve your language skills by simplifying online content.

Creating accessible content

Get suggestions for simplifying your online content.

Getting quick overviews

Read succinct overviews of longer, complex webpages.